
The perfect place @home to display your Mum plants


With the arrival of the new season, our colourful ball-shaped chrysanthemums are back again. These colourful plants are available in a wide range of beautiful colours that will brighten up any dull corner of the garden. Nothing adds more colour to the autumn season than these cheerful Mum Flowers. Check out the best places for your Mum plants here.

By the front door :

Who says you need a garden to enjoy the autumnal floral feeling? Simply put  your favourite Mum Flower plants by the front door and a colourful environment awaits you every time you arrive home. It will also give a warm welcome to your guests and friends who come to visit you and is sure to make a sensational first impression.

On the window sill :

Would you like to have a colourful window sill display that doesn’t involve too much care? Then the Mum Flower plants are ideal. They adore sunlight and are not very demanding. They can also stand a little dryness (make sure the root ball doesn’t dry out completely). A window sill that is a little sheltered from the wind and rain is therefore the ideal place for the colourful flowering Mum plants. Combine a few small pots side by side on a window sill or go for a window box from the start.

On the patio :

Enjoy late summer in your garden or on your patio with some Mum Flower plants. Combine different sizes and colours in a creative arrangement. Or go for plants of the same colour if you want something more sober.

Belgian mums, chrysanten